Cauliflower Mash

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Plan Z Phase: This is a Z3 (ZReboot) recipe.

The touch of nutmeg in here really makes the dish. Try this as a substitute for mashed potatoes. It’s really quite delightful.

Servings: Serves 4 depending on how big your cauliflower is.


  • 1 medium head of cauliflower
  • 5 Tbl of ghee
  • ½ tsp of nutmeg
  • grated sea salt and pepper to taste
  • parsley for garnish (optional)


Put on a pot of water to boil that you can steam over.

Remove the stem and the green leaves from your cauliflower. Cut the rest into chunks. You don’t need to worry about whether the florets stay intact. It won’t matter because you are steaming them and then mashing. Make sure most of the chunks are about the same size. 1 or 1-1/2” will be best. That way they all cook at the same rate.

When the water is boiling, put the cauliflower chunks in the steamer. Cook over steam for about 8 minutes or until they are tender.

Take out your food processor or masher and then add the ghee and the nutmeg. Whiz or mash until fairly smooth. A few small chunks add a nice texture. Then add sea salt and pepper. Stir and taste in case you want to adjust seasonings.

At this time the cauliflower mash can be set aside or refrigerated (covered) and then reheated in the oven later. Just cover the dish with aluminum foil so it doesn’t dry out. Remove from oven and stir before serving. This is convenient for parties because you can make this ahead.

Serve with your favorite protein.

