Zucchini-Carrot Saute (SUPER simple)

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Plan Z Phase: This is a Z3 (ZReboot) recipe.

To make this dish super-simple and super-fast, all you need is a spiralizer and a mandolin. Two of my favorite kitchen prep tools.

This is such a fabulous substitute for pasta. I promise you won’t miss it. You’ll even get the same texture of the noodles from the spiralized zucchini and you get color and bits of carrot for fun.

I don’t often make carrots. In this case, I made an exception just for the color, and it’s a very small amount of carrot.

Servings: Serves 2


  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2 small zucchinis
  • 1 Tbl of olive oil


For the carrot sticks… wash and peel your carrot. Take out your mandolin and put in the slicer blade that makes matchstick-size pieces. On a diagonal, carefully run your carrot across the blade and make your carrot pieces.

For the zucchini noodles… take out your spiralizer. Wash your zucchini and cut off the ends. Carefully wind your zucchini through the spiralizer and long noodles with be the result.

(With both tools, be careful so you don’t cut yourself. You’ll toss the end of the carrot as well as both ends of the zucchini.)

Take out a medium saute pan. Heat the olive oil and put in both the noodles and the carrot bits. Heat on medium, tossing often until the zucchini noodles are hot and a little limp. This is all you need to do. Just heat and eat. The zucchini cooks enough very fast. A little bite left in the veggies makes them taste fresher.

You can serve this as a side dish or an underlayment for anything you’d normally make with pasta. You’ll see in this picture I served it under Italian Lemon Chicken.


