Burger and Egg

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Plan Z Phase: This is a Z2 (ZReduction) recipe.

It’s all the rage in the big city. Have a runny egg on top of your burger. Well, you can do that in ZReduction too! I just ate mine and I’m stuffed!

Servings: Serves 1


  • 1, 4 oz burger patty
  • 1 large egg

Other things to inspire you –on the side

  • Tomato slices
  • Raw or sautéed onion
  • A salad
  • 1 cup of veggies
  • Salsa on top of your burger
  • Iceberg lettuce under your burger
  • Sautéed peppers on top
  • A smear of prepared horseradish on your burger…
  • 1 tsp of a condiment like mustard or ketchup; even bbq sauce and more…


Take a large saute pan and spray one side with olive oil. Put in your burger patty. Cook the one side til it has a nice sear. Maybe 3 minutes.  Turn it over. Season as you like with sea salt and pepper. When the second side is almost done (maybe 2 minutes more for medium) spray the other side of the pan and crack in your egg. I cooked mine sunny-side up but you can turn it if you like or even cook the yolk through. Your choice. Season your egg and decide what you’d like on the side. Just follow the regular diet guidelines.

Quick lunch. Totally modern concept.



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