The Closet Dilemma

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Dieter Kate from Garberville, CA experienced dramatic weight loss with Plan Z.  When Kate started to approach a larger clothing size she decided she would invest in a healthier future with Plan Z instead of a new wardrobe. Now she’s facing a new issue with her closet:

“The hardest part of this diet, for me, has been keeping clothes in my closet that fit.”

Kate was expecting to struggle through the program but was shocked at how easy Plan Z was.

“It’s really been easy. You just follow the diet. You follow the plan and it just comes off.”

With Plan Z the recipes are endless.  Kate told us, “The recipes are amazing. I have not come across one recipe yet that I turn my nose up at.  They are all very good.”

She’s lost 81 pounds so far and is working to hit 100. Her incredible transformation has inspired others to follow in her shoes and after listening to her interview you may find yourself inspired too.

Listen to her rave review below.