The best arthritis pain killer that I’ve ever had

“I finally get it. I finally had someone tell me the truth about what I should put in my body and what I shouldn’t put in my body….The education that you and Zola have given me is just second to none…I know without a doubt that I’m going to eat healthy for the rest of my life.” — Dieter Jim
Dieter Jim is a sixty-two-year-old truck driver who has it figured out. Obviously he’s figured out how to lose weight. He lost 46 pounds in his very first 50-day round of ZReduction.
He’s also learned how to fuel his body.
Even when he eats lunch in his truck.
He works the loading dock in the morning. He’s in and out of that truck twelve hours a day, five days a week. At 248 pounds, he used to come home exhausted. And very sore.
No more.
Listen to his story. He’ll tell you about the good news he got from his doctor at his last checkup. Plus, he had some great news for his doctor.
Find out why going to the supermarket has become a new adventure.
And hear why he sometimes yells at the radio as he’s driving.
It’s all good:
His weight.
His health.
And his dedication maintaining both of them.
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
Big Guy, Big Change
Biggie lost over 293 pounds on Plan Z…and is still losing. Biggie’s drastic transformation ranks him as one of the top losers (or should we say winners) on the Plan Z Diet.
Weight loss after 40
Claire's 50-pound transformation shocked her friends, her doctor, and even her grandchildren. If you've been thinking about improving your health or shrinking your waist, take Dieter Claire's advice and, "Don't ever let anyone tell you it's too late to try."
My self-esteem has returned
My self esteem has returned, I’m now wearing the same size jeans that I wore in high school, and I can run after my grand kids without losing my breath!! Can’t believe it was like carrying a 35 lb bag in each hand for all these years.
Ex Tennessee Ball Player Loses 46 lbs on Plan Z
Ken in Tennessee lost over 40 pounds on Plan Z. Learn what he did to make his Plan Z Dieting experience so successful in this fantastic interview.
Sitting is the new smoking
“You’re really not the one who fails the diet. The diet fails you.” A wonderful reminder from Dieter Darryl.
It Is A Life Changer
I got married in November to the most beautiful lady and I am blessed in so many ways. One way is that I can be at this healthy weight and MAINTAIN it!