Roasted or Grilled Asparagus

Plan Z Phase: This is a Z2 (ZReduction) recipe.
Servings: Serves 4 to 6
- 1 bunch of asparagus. Thick or thin asparagus is fine. I like mine more tender so I pick the thinner ones.
- olive oil spray
- sea salt to taste
To roast:
Wash your asparagus. Wipe off excess moisture. Spray the spears with olive oil to coat them. Put in an ovenproof container. They can be stacked up some. That’s fine. Sprinkle with sea salt or regular salt if you don’t have sea salt.
Roast at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Check for doneness. If they are stacked up high in a narrow pan, it might take longer. And it also depends on how al dente (crisp) you like your asparagus. Let asparagus cool down some before serving so you don’t burn your or your guests’ mouth(s).
To grill:
Follow all of the directions above for coating the asparagus. Then grill them directly on the rack, on medium, turning once until all sides have nice stripes. Depending on your grill, this will only be a few minutes. The grilling makes the asparagus have a smoky flavor you’ll love.

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