Raspberry Grapefruit Sparkler

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Plan Z Phase: This is a Z2 (ZReduction) recipe.

This is a drink you can make in a pitcher and enjoy all during ZReduction. I don’t usually like grapefruit at all, but LaCroix makes a grapefruit fizzy water that is just delightful. I use it to make this drink or I drink it plain over ice too.



  • 6 packets of Raspberry Zinger tea. (This is an herbal tea. No caffeine)
  • water
  • LaCroix, grapefruit flavor



Get out a big pitcher. Put in your tea packets and fill the pitcher with water. Let it steep for at least 4 hours or even overnight. You can refrigerate it or leave it on the counter. Remove the packets. You now have your iced tea. You can drink this by itself over ice or you can make the Raspberry Grapefruit Sparkler.

To make the sparkler. Just add ice to a glass. Fill it half full of raspberry zinger tea and then fill it the rest of the way with Grapefruit LaCroix.


