Plan Z Diet Monthly Membership

From: $19.00 / monthly subscription, plus: $149.60

Plan Z dieters lose an average of 31 pounds in under 50 days. Results ARE typical.

You’ll love this structured approach to healthy weight loss with real food, our Crave Control spray, education and support, and no exercise required.

You’ll feel better in days. You’ll look better in weeks (not months). Make this an important turning point in your life.

Price Includes:

  • Either Starter Kit or Full Kit (choose below). The starter kit includes 3 bottles of Crave Control spray, enough to complete 3 weeks of dieting. Most people lose approx 15 pounds during that time. Perfect if you don’t have much to lose. The full kit contains 6 bottles of Crave Control spray, enough to do the diet from start to finish. Average weight loss = 31 pounds. Ideal for those who need to make a change in their health.
  • Plan Z Diet Manual, 150 page step-by-step guide to losing weight & keeping it off forever
  • Purchase additional bottles of spray any time
  • Ability to complete additional rounds of the diet to your goal
  • Over 1000 recipes online
  • Access to Zola U, educational resources that teach you how keep the weight off for good
  • Automated daily coaching emails
  • Support via phone & email
  • Cancel any time

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Lose Weight Fast. Keep it off for good. Below is everything that comes with your diet kit. Have more questions? Call us at 1-800-255-9853

3 or 6 Bottles of ZR50 Crave Control Spray

Plan Z Diet Manual
Comprehensive Plan Z manual for the 4 Diet Phases, including:

10 Day Startup Guide | Eating Out Guide | Getting Stuck Section | Comprehensive Approved Foods List | ZReduction Shopping List | Sugars to Avoid List | Approved Beverage List | Daily Diet Diary Worksheets | Sample ZReduction Recipes (more online) | Medical Considerations and Science | ZFood and Beverage Index (all phases)

Monthly Membership to the Members-Only Recipe and Blog Site
Over 1000 Recipes from Gourmet to Comfort Food | Access to Zola University and the Science behind Plan Z | Captivating Blog Articles for Living ZLife after Plan Z | Live Plan Z Insider Webcasts | Plan Z by Zola Dieter Forums | Video Tutorials

Plan Z Education & Support
Daily Coaching Emails | Live Diet Support via Phone & Email | Live Tech Support via Phone & Email

Take A Look Guarantee
Every order comes with the Take A Look Guarantee. If you order Plan Z, review the materials and decide the diet won’t fit your lifestyle, you can return everything and we will promptly refund your money. Call us at 800-255-9853. We’ll email you a paid UPS return label and you can send everything back for a full refund. Just return all the bottles of your ZR50 Crave Control spray with their original safety seals unbroken along with your manual.

Skeptic's Guarantee
You can add an additional guarantee that gives you a prorated refund if you return your materials within the first nine days.

With the Skeptic’s Option you’ll pay for Plan Z and you’ll start the program. You’ll have a special coach who will help you get on a solid footing with the diet. That person will be there to answer questions and help you however we can. On Day 9, YOU will evaluate whether you have lost a reasonable amount of weight on Plan Z. If the answer is yes, you’ll continue. If the answer is no, you’ll pack up everything and send it back. We’ll pay the return postage and refund your money minus $135. That means it will have cost you just $15 a day to see if we measure up; but rest assured, we measure up. People love this diet.

Plan Z is an all natural, real food diet that teaches you to lose weight fast, without exercise. Your Plan Z membership includes:

Plan Z Manual

Everything you need to know about losing weight the healthy way (150+ pages).

ZR50 Crave Control spray

Patented breakthrough spray that minimizes cravings and catapults weight loss.

1000+ recipes online

From comfort food to gourmet, healthy recipes that are quick, easy and delicious.


The real information you need to lose weight and keep it off for good.


Friendly, knowledgeable coaches and automated daily coaching emails to keep you on track.

No commitments

Flexible as you need it to be. Upgrade, downgrade or cancel any time.

Plan Z Diet
Frequently Asked Questions

That’s great! On Plan Z, 15 pounds can come off quickly. Just order the starter kit when you sign up. It includes 3 bottles of ZR50 Crave Control spray, which is enough for about 25 days. If your weight is stubborn and it takes longer to lose, you can always order more spray once you’re a member.

Sorry, the ZR50 Crave Control spray is only available to Plan Z members. Interested in becoming a member? Click here.

If you have 30+ pounds to lose, get the Full Kit.

The Full Kit includes 6 bottles of ZR50 Crave Control spray. That’s enough spray to complete the ZReduction phase (50 days). In 50 days, the average weight loss on ZReduction is 31 pounds. After that, you go into the ZReboot phase for 6 weeks. You do not use Crave Control spray during the ZReboot phase.

If you have 15 pounds or less to lose, get the Starter Kit.

The Starter Kit includes 3 bottles of ZR50 Crave Control spray. That’s enough to get halfway through ZReduction (25 days). 3 bottles is enough to lose 15 pounds or less (if you’re losing at an average rate).

If you have 15 – 30 pounds to lose . . . it’s up to you. Go with your gut (pun intended). Some people’s bodies are more resistant to weight loss than others, so they get the full kit. Others get the starter kit because once you’re a member, you can always order another bottle or two if you need it.

No. You only need the Crave Control during the ZReduction phase.

The ZReduction weight loss phase of the diet is only 48 days long. After that, you go into the ZReboot phase and maintain your weight for 6 weeks – without using the Crave Control spray.

We continue to coach you and help you keep the weight off. As you reintroduce heavier foods we show you what to do if the weight starts to come back. Some dieters enjoy this phase and decide to remain in ZReboot for months. Since you do not need spray during this time you are only paying the monthly membership fee.

When you’re ready to lose more weight you can order additional bottles of spray through your Plan Z account. Or you can give us a call in the office at 800-255-9853.

The ZR50 Crave Control spray is homeopathic. We have not had any reports of drug interactions. Many of our clients are on medications for various ailments/conditions, including but not limited to: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormonal replacements, depression and more.

Blood pressure:
The blood pressure of Plan Z clients typically begins to normalize very early in the diet. We recommend dieters work with their health care professionals so they can be monitored and adjust medications if necessary. Over time, many Plan Z clients are able to reduce or get off medications for high blood pressure.

Insulin levels:
Type 2 Diabetes: Insulin levels in Plan Z clients typically begin to normalize very early in the diet. We recommend dieters work with their health care professionals so they can be monitored and adjust medications if necessary. Many Plan Z clients are able to reduce or get off their medications for Type 2 Diabetes over time.

Type 1 Diabetes:
Close monitoring by a health care professional is highly recommended. We always ask dieters who report themselves as Type 1 diabetics to consult with their health care professional in advance of starting Plan Z.

Please give us 2-5 business days to process your order. All orders ship from Zola Headquarters in Chattanooga, TN. Of course, shipping times vary by location, but most orders in the continental US will arrive within a week of when they are shipped.

Need to ship to another country? Call our office at 800-255-9853 for international pricing and ship times.

If you are overweight and struggling with obesity related health issues you can use your HSA (Health Savings Account) or FSA (Flexible Spending Account) debit card to pay for Plan Z® as long as it has a MasterCard or Visa logo on it. Just make sure your doctor submits a letter of medical necessity (or this form) to your insurance company so that the charge is approved. Keep a copy of your itemized Plan Z® receipt for your records.

If you have an obesity related illness and your doctor recommends you lose weight, you might be able to get reimbursed by your insurance company. Ask your doctor to give you a letter of medical necessity on their letterhead saying they recommend Plan Z®. Click here to download a sample form of what the letter should look like. Or you can have them fill out this form. Take both forms to your doctor and let them decide which one they prefer to use. Have your doctor fax the form to your insurance company. Then call your insurance company and ask if Plan Z® is a reimbursable expense. If approved, submit the paperwork and your packing slip to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Since all insurance plans are different, we suggest you check with your insurance provider before ordering.

You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your membership at any time. Just reach out to a member of the ZTeam by emailing or by calling 800-255-9853.

If you order Plan Z®, review the materials and decide this diet won’t fit your lifestyle, you can return everything for a full refund.

Doctors all over the country are now beginning to recommend Plan Z to their patients. Some doctors use Plan Z® as their own weight loss plan because it promotes a healthy life style. You can take Plan Z to your doctor and ask for their medical opinion on the Plan Z system.

People all over love the Plan Z Diet and we are sure you will too. If you have any questions about our guarantees just give us a call and we will answer all of your questions and help you get started.

If you’ve started the diet, and cannot continue, please call us at 800-255-9853. We can help you with a return and refund for the unused portion of the diet.

Yes! All transactions on our website are ssl encrypted for your protection. You can also call one of our customer service representatives at 1-800-255-9853 if you would prefer to place your order over the phone, or if you have questions about Plan Z.

You have to unlearn the bad diet advice you’ve been fed for years. Our so-called “obesity epidemic” in the USA is only about thirty years old. We started to fatten up in the early 1980s shortly after the U.S. Senate passed its Dietary Guidelines for America (1977). The government advised us to reduce our fat consumption from 40% to 30% and replace the fat with carbohydrates.

Food companies jumped in and started making low fat, “diet” foods filled with enough sugar and high fructose corn syrup to make them palatable. We know that sugar is a main contributor to obesity in America but food manufacturers have not backed off on using varying forms of sugar in their recipes.

When we got fatter, they replaced natural sugars with artificial sweeteners, unnatural flavorings, and preservatives. These things reduce the natural sugar content in foods but they wreak havoc on your metabolism. And we still didn’t lose weight.

So, the “experts” told us that we needed to exercise more. What a monumental mistake. The problem is, while exercise may burn calories, it also stimulates hunger. After an intense workout your body will need to replenish the calories it just burned. How does it do that? By sending you signals that you’re hungry and you need to eat!

Today, Americans spend billions on diet foods and health club memberships – more than they ever had in the past. And yet, between 1998 and 2008, the number of “clinically” obese Americans grew 37% according to the Centers for Disease Control.

We now know fat doesn’t make you fat. Complex carbohydrates and sugar make you fat–especially the highly processed white carbs and the high fructose corn syrup that’s in most processed foods. These are the convenience foods that fill the shelves of our grocery stores.

Knowing why we get fat in the first place is the first step towards keeping the weight off. Plan Z takes a completely different approach to weight loss: we work on your body and your brain.

Yes. You can do this diet easily at work. We know you have to go to work so we have a Zola to Go! section on our member site with recipes for planning, preparing, and packing meals and snacks that travel well. We can accommodate you even if you are traveling back and forth between two cities as you prepare for your wedding day. We’ve helped pilots, flight attendants, and even traveling salespeople lose weight while on the job. We’ve even helped a company of firefighters lose hundreds of pounds together.

Do you travel? Do you go out for meals? We’ll show you how to stay on Plan Z while eating in restaurants. Plus, Plan Z is totally family friendly. Your family can eat the same food you do–they’ll just have different portions because they’re not taking the ZR50 Reduction formula. No need to make your “diet food” and then make “regular” food for your family.

Have kids? Kids LOVE the food. You choose what you want to eat every day from Zola’s approved food list. This way Plan Z becomes part of your thinner lifestyle. You can set an example for your children and pass on valuable eating habits to them. We even have recipes for things like healthy chicken nuggets and tiny meatloaves.

You are a unique individual, but you are not so unique that the laws of science don’t apply to you. You are not an impossible case. You just had the wrong information until now. We believe if you had the right information you’d act on it and you’d likely be thinner than you are right now. But there is too much misinformation in the diet market place. Here’s why: Kraft makes South Beach Living packaged food, Heinz processes Weight Watchers food, Unilever owns Slim Fast, Kellogg’s owns Kashi Go Lean, Stouffer owns Lean Cuisine, Con-Agra owns Healthy Choice. Their so-called “diet” foods are filled with starch, sugar, artificial flavoring, and high fructose corn syrup.

Those ingredients have contributed to America’s obesity epidemic and along with American companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald’s (and many others) they are exporting our obesity epidemic to the rest of the world. Their business plan and packaged foods keep you dieting and buying their foods for the rest of your life. My business plan is to help you break the endless cycle of weight gain and help you move forward into your new life.

Obesity is a disease of fat production, not of overeating. If it were a simple math problem of calories in and calories out, we would all be thin. On conventional diets the first ten or twelve pounds come off and then you hit the wall. Your metabolism slows down. You’re hungry and irritable. You tough it out a few more weeks or you quit and the weight comes roaring back.

Your health is one reason to lose a lot of weight! Obesity causes or exacerbates all of these diseases:

  • Hypertension (Zola was on blood pressure meds until she developed and did Plan Z. After losing 28 pounds the first month she was able to come off the meds completely)
  • Type 2 Diabetes — One Plan Z Insider called us to say he was off his insulin on day four (with his doctor’s blessing!) of his ZReduction phase of Plan Z. He’d been on insulin since 1999!
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Heart ailments
  • Angina
  • Stroke
  • Gallstones
  • Gout
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Osteoarthritis

We don’t make medical claims, but many of our dieters report they are making fewer claims against their health insurance. Conventional dieting keeps most of us on a perpetual cycle of losing and gaining the same 13-20 pounds for the rest of our lives. Diet companies win when you don’t lose enough to stop dieting. My plan helps you lose weight and keep it off.

When it comes to activity levels, I’m going to tell you to go walk the dog, or if you don’t have a dog, just chill. NO EXERCISE on ZReduction. Let me be clear. I think exercise is great. I think it’s important. Right now my exercise regimen includes regular yoga and weight lifting. What I will tell you though is we know two things about exercise (even the medical community will agree with me on this). Exercise will make you stronger. It will also make you hungry.

While you are on ZReduction, your energy should be put into enjoying the dieting experience. People who are seriously overweight have a difficult time approaching exercise and they take a deep sigh of relief when I tell them they don’t have to exercise to lose weight. You are not going to lose muscle mass. You’re only on ZReduction for 50 days; and if you don’t currently exercise, your lifestyle and routine are just going to remain the same. You ARE, however, going to lose fat. When you get to the ZReboot phase of the diet we are going to recommend you find an exercise program that suits your lifestyle. If you want to tighten up the loose bits left after losing the weight, you’re going to have to exercise to tighten up. Some tightening will occur naturally during a process we call ‘reshaping’ but for the bigger issues, you’ll need a targeted routine. Once you’ve completed ZReduction we recommend non-impact exercise, like yoga, Pilates and weight lifting. Too much emphasis has been made on exercises that tax your joints and your bones. There are plenty of things you can do that don’t wear out your skeleton. And they don’t all require a gym membership.

Plan Z dieters who are a little older talk about how fun it is to chase the grandchildren around the park instead of sitting on the park bench watching. They get on a swing with the kids and laugh. They feel like getting exercise now. They might want to take a long walk in the sunshine and even include speeding up their pace so they get a bit of heart benefit in an aerobic mode. Some get heavily into gardening and growing their own veggies. You can take walks in the woods and learn how to forage for wild mushrooms. There’s a lot more to life than your TV screen or your computer.

The best part is when you get off a considerable amount of weight you FEEL like exercising. A whole new world of activities opens up. People say their joints don’t hurt as much. You might feel like getting on a bike and tooling around the neighborhood. Or you might feel like a vacation in San Francisco but this time the hills won’t look so daunting. Or join a bowling league. I’m just tossing out ideas, folks.


1401 Williams Street
Suite 230, Chattanooga,
TN 37408

(800) 255-9853

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