Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

You’ll love this comfort food dish when you want to eat curled up on the sofa watching a movie. It’s also a hit with the little kids and people who don’t like spicy food.

No Dough Pizza

This recipe was contributed by dieter Woody. He found it online on a low carb cooking website. It is now one of his favorite ways to eat pizza. Thanks for sharing, Woody!

Curried Pork Chops with Mushrooms and Onions

Really simple meal. Serve with a salad if you want more.

Italian Crock Pot Stew

This dish is very easy to make. All you have to do is brown the meat and then time adding the mushrooms. Walk away from your crock pot and dinner will cook itself.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Cheese

During the last five minutes of roasting time for the Brussels sprouts pull the pan out and sprinkle on the bacon bits and the cheese. Put back in the oven for the last five minutes and the cheese will melt, the bacon will get warm and the sprouts will be ready to serve.

Crusted Pork Chops

Serve with roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon and cheese for a complete meal.

Pigs in a Poke

This recipe comes from veteran Plan Z dieter Amy. This is adapted from an old recipe from the 1970’s. Even then some people knew how to eat.

Pork Tenderloin with Horseradish-Cranberry Sauce

This is a delightful meal. This would be perfect at the holidays too. It’s very easy to make and can be multiplied to serve a larger party. Each pork tenderloin will usually serve 3 people.

Caribbean Pork Tenderloin with Fresh, Chunky Summer Fruit Sauce

This recipe was more than a success. My husband proved that he could really cook.

Pork Chops with Chunky Cajun Peach Sauce

Serve with the peach sauce piled on top. The peach sauce recipe makes quite a bit so you might end up with a bit of leftovers.


This recipe was submitted by Plan Z dieter JoAnn. Thanks JoAnn!

Italian Chicken and Pepperoni Casserole

This will remind you of a No-Noodle lasagna. Perfect for an easy weeknight meal or when you want to take a casserole to an event.

Green Eggs and Ham

Garnish your plate with the cherry tomatoes for color.

Barbecue Ribs – Zola Style

There’s no way to use a commercial sauce for barbecue ribs. They ALL have copious amounts of sugar in them. I know.

Scotch Eggs

A traditional Scotch Egg involves wrapping sausage around a whole hard-boiled egg. It is commonly eaten in Scotland, where the Scots will eat this either as an appetizer or as part of a main meal.

Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers

Depending on the size of your peppers you might have filling left over. You can keep this for later. It will make a lovely stuffing for an omelet.

“Date Night” Rolled Pork Loin Roast

This is a lovely option for a family gathering. Healthy Happy Holidays come to mind or a small party.