Dorien Lost 125 Pounds
Dorien had almost given up hope. She did Plan Z after losing 110 pounds with gastric bypass surgery and gaining most of it back. Now she’s lost 125 lbs while on Plan Z. Listen to what she said to new dieters after her first 50 days on Plan Z.
“When I first called to order Plan Z I was in a terrible place; unhappy, unhealthy and disillusioned with dieting, but I figured even I could make it 50 days, and no exercise sounded great to a nearly 300 lb me. I lost over 30 lbs my first round and more than 125 lbs to date.
Before Plan Z, I didn’t realize that so much of the information I’d been given about a “healthy diet” was just plain wrong. Plan Z was a total revelation. I got things right in my head for the first time in a long time and I ate better than I had for years. The recipes are delicious and easy to make which makes meal times quick, tasty and fun. I feel empowered because the education I received from Plan Z helped me discover why I gained weight and how to KEEP IT OFF!
I am living proof that Plan Z Works! Plan Z is a total lifestyle change and it is something that I’m willing to live out for the rest of my life. I don’t deprive myself, but I do make better choices every day, and because of that I’m healthy, happy and able to do things I haven’t done for years. I wear dresses and high heels, I ride a bike and work out, not because I have to, but because I want to.
I love that Plan Z has given me the confidence to LIVE MY LIFE! I’m not hiding in my house (or in the back row of the photograph) anymore. I’ve embraced the me that I’ve become and along the way I’ve transformed into the woman I always envisioned myself being, I am strong, proud and confident.”
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
The best arthritis pain killer that I’ve ever had
My arthritis was pretty impressive. I was taking 12 Advil a day for pain. [After losing 46 pounds on Plan Z] I'm in pretty good shape with my arthritis. It's probably the best arthritis pain killer that I've ever done.
Meet Paul, our 100 pound loser
Dieter Paul is our latest 100# loser. He'll share his secrets and insights in the interview. Hint: No more 32oz Mountain Dews in the afternoon.
Cubmaster Loses Over 80 Pounds
Dieter Neil from Laurel, Mississippi lost 81 pounds with Plan Z. His motivating factor was wanting to be a better role model for his family and the Scouts he leads.
A New Lease on Life
After losing 120 pounds with Plan Z, Dieter Jay is headed in a new, healthier, and liberated direction.
No Longer the Big Guy in the Room
With some determination and a little bit of sacrifice (that was made a lot easier with the ZR50 Crave Control spray), I lost 70+ pounds! I have also stopped most of my medications, still working on that last pill. My knees don't ache when I get out of bed anymore. I was so successful, that both my sisters also started the plan.
“I never felt like I was deprived or hungry at all.”
“I slept better, I looked better, I felt better, and it was very noticeable. I got comments and compliments from so many people.”