Meet Paul, our 100 pound loser

Paul Rehm, a veteran radio salesperson in Fort Dodge, IA, began Plan Z last November. Less than a year later, he is 100 pounds lighter. Congratulations Paul!
Paul writes,
“My motivation for starting Plan Z was seeing the results a co-worker had achieved. After viewing the video on the website, I knew from previous diet failures that THIS plan made sense and it was time to take the plunge. That was November 1, 2011.
Since that time, three Plan Z reductions have resulted in 100+ pounds of weight loss. I feel SO much better and have the energy to go up and down the hills of Iowa on my bicycle or take long walks with my wife. This summer I consistently swam for a half-hour at a time without stopping. I can work in the garden without coming up for air, and personal relationships have improved because I’m not depressed about my overweight appearance.
With Plan Z’s OUTSTANDING support program I’m not only learning why I gained weight, but how to eat healthy forever and keep the weight OFF! Even though I’ve maintained the weightloss for four months, my friends continue to tell me they think I’m losing more weight. It is a MAJOR plus to hear all the “attaboys.”
In his hometown, Paul has been extremely public about his weight loss.
Click here to listen to Paul talk about his incredible weight loss on Plan Z (recorded when Paul lost 70 pounds):
There are no magic shakes or prepackaged meals on Plan Z. You eat real food from the grocery store.
Here is one of Paul’s favorite ZReduction recipes:
Paul’s White Fish with Sauteed Vegetables
Tasty white fish and vegetables have been a regular part of my ZReduction regimen. My favorite is starting with a 6-8 ounce mahi-mahi fillet AND a 6-8 ounce hake fillet (hake has a more pronounced flavor and the mahi-mahi helps to tone it down a bit) purchased frozen in big bags at Costco. This results in a “double batch” meal with the second half going in the fridge to bring into the menu flow a day or two later.
Servings: Serves 2
- 6-8 oz mahi-mahi fillet
- 6-8 oz hake fillet
- 1 cup of onions, chopped
- ¼ cup bell peppers, sliced
- ¼ cup cucumber, chopped
- ¼ cup tomato, diced
- ¼ cup celery, diced
- Cookies Flavor Enhancer (or your favorite fish seasoning)
- Olive oil spray
- Salt & pepper to taste
- Salad greens (Paul prefers a spring mix combined with fresh kale)
Lightly spray a large nonstick pan with olive oil spray. Add the onions and sauté on medium heat for about a minute. Add the peppers, cucumber, tomato and celery and cook until the vegetables begin to soften (about 3-5 minutes). Near the end of the sauté process, add both fillets and piece them up with a spatula as they cook. Mix it all together and season to taste with Cookies Flavor Enhancer
With a generous salad helping of spring mix and Kale, it’s a quick, easy and DELICIOUS meal!
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
“I’ve eaten naked, boring food for years…”
“The big thing is, I get a lot more information and support. When something not going perfectly, I can ask someone...and I don’t feel lost.”
As a diabetic, Plan Z changed my life
Dieter Jay's doctor removed him from all his medication after completing his first round of Plan Z! In this interview, Jay talks about how much impact the Plan Z education had on him as a diabetic. He also talks about the satisfaction of going from a 40′ to a 34′ waist.
Partners in Life and Dieting
“Get yourself a partner. Find somebody that you can go through [Plan Z] with because that is just such a huge – HUGE – advantage.“
Husband and Wife Lose 130 Pounds Together
James and Peggy joined Plan Z together. Besides the incredible weight loss, Peggy hasn’t woken to a single migraine since she started Plan Z.
I feel 110% better
Are you questioning dieting during a pandemic? Listen to Dieter Melissa’s interview and you’ll learn how “taking out the nasty stuff” like processed foods, excess sugar and artificial preservatives can help you combat stress and anxiety.
54 pounds in 50 days!
Jeremy instantly noticed more mobility and greatly reduced joint pain after losing 54 pounds with Plan Z.