The Most Frustrating Thing About Exercise

The information I’m about to share comes from the National Institutes of Health. They designed a little computer program. It’s…

Celebrate in Style

I have worked hard to find unique ways to celebrate holidays and special occasions. Today I’m offering you a way to make your…

It’s a New Year. Don’t Be Fooled.

I don’t want to go all “Debbie Downer” on you at the beginning of a New Year but I thought a good theme to start off the year…

Boxing Day

This holiday has nothing to do with a boxing ring or leather gloves. It has everything to do with celebrating.

A Holiday Chat with Zola

We sat down recently to chat with Zola and learned all “merry” of things holiday related.

Hints for Traveling While on ZReboot

YES - you can travel and not gain weight. Just be smart about your food choices and weight gain won't be an issue. Here are some…

Potluck with Purpose

The hints in here might give you some direction for your next potluck.

Flashes of Christmas Past

Most of my memories of Christmas Past are happy ones. In actuality they were not always happy, but I choose to focus on the happy…

Breaking Thanksgiving Tradition

Everyone has their Thanksgiving traditions; especially when it comes to food. Do you ever think about breaking tradition and…

Turkey Tips

Many people think the Thanksgiving turkey dinner is the most intimidating meal to make. It's not. Here's some rules to follow.

The Art of the Antipasti Tray

What's antipasti? An appetizer usually consisting of an assortment of foods, such as smoked meats, cheese, fish, and vegetables.…

Toys for Halloween

I don’t give out candy on Halloween anymore. I give out toys! The kids love it. They like to see something different in that…

What to Buy and When

This year I am really paying attention to food prices and availability. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and holiday food…

Little Green Orbs

I’m so glad I took a risk at 40+ years old and put something in my mouth that I was sure was going to be foul and turned out to…

How to Buy Stevia

When you shop for your sweetener options it can be a scary and overwhelming decision-making process.  Here are a few hints to…

The “Hummers”

The hummingbirds visiting my balcony have been the highlight of my summer. Then “POOF”. They are gone!

Countdown to Thanksgiving

If you’re going to do Plan Z this year, I’m guessing you’ll want to be well into ZReboot for Thanksgiving. Let’s run the numbers…

Walking the Bridge

What will I be doing to celebrate Labor Day? I’ll be walking the bridge. That’s what my husband and I call it. The Walking…

Food on the floor

There is no five second rule; not even a one second rule. Just carry on and cook. 

How to Buy Spaghetti Sauce

People write to me all the time and they say something like this: “You taught me how to read labels as part of dieting. I had no…