Potluck with Purpose

The hints in here might give you some direction for your next potluck.

Breaking Thanksgiving Tradition

Everyone has their Thanksgiving traditions; especially when it comes to food. Do you ever think about breaking tradition and…

Turkey Tips

Many people think the Thanksgiving turkey dinner is the most intimidating meal to make. It's not. Here's some rules to follow.

The Art of the Antipasti Tray

What's antipasti? An appetizer usually consisting of an assortment of foods, such as smoked meats, cheese, fish, and vegetables.…

Toys for Halloween

I don’t give out candy on Halloween anymore. I give out toys! The kids love it. They like to see something different in that…

Little Green Orbs

I’m so glad I took a risk at 40+ years old and put something in my mouth that I was sure was going to be foul and turned out to…

How to Buy Stevia

When you shop for your sweetener options it can be a scary and overwhelming decision-making process.  Here are a few hints to…

Countdown to Thanksgiving

If you’re going to do Plan Z this year, I’m guessing you’ll want to be well into ZReboot for Thanksgiving. Let’s run the numbers…

Food on the floor

There is no five second rule; not even a one second rule. Just carry on and cook. 

How to Buy Spaghetti Sauce

People write to me all the time and they say something like this: “You taught me how to read labels as part of dieting. I had no…

Smash Burgers

Smash burgers are all the rage. Step into a brew pub and you’ll likely find a smash burger on the food menu. These are NOT the…

How to Buy Sparkling Water

I thought I’d give tips on how to buy the healthy versions. There are plenty that are not healthy. The unhealthy ones are full of…

‘Cue Tips

For lots of people, cooking in the summer revolves around the barbecue. The stereotypical vision is a guy with a slightly rounded…

Let’s Have a Snack…Or Not!

Read this article that includes some statistics related to how bad our childhood obesity problem is and for extra credit and a…

Sprinkler Day

Here’s a last minute idea for your Fourth of July celebration (or you can do it any day in the summer). There’s a kiddie element…


I’m recommending that in order to fight some of the inflation issue you consider a few behavior changes.

40 Fast Years

Recently, the 40th anniversary of when my husband and I began our courtship arrived. What prompted us noticing the importance of…

How to Eat French Fries

The issue is can you ever get away with a little? I’m here to say yes, if you have a little discipline.

Cookie Mission

When I was just a tween I decided to bake cookies for 4,000 troops stationed on an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea. My…

We are going HOME!

We got the approval. The cardiologist said, “Fly, Fly, fly away!” The urology surgeon said, “I’m so proud. You were so brave. You…