Hints for Eating Mashed Potatoes on Holidays

Some helpful low carb hints for eating mashed potatoes.

My Cooking Mentor

My mother would have turned 101 this year. I still miss her although she’s been gone for decades. At parties, people often asked…

The Legend of “Stingy Jack”

From the fine folks at the History Channel comes the history of the Jack O’ Lantern. I didn't know the origin of carving…

Beware the Perils of Plastic

I recently received this article from Bon Appetit outlining why you should NEVER even heat food in plastic in a microwave. If you…

39th Wedding Anniversary

Even though the countdown to this year’s anniversary is on, we will be happy just being together.

The Spotless Giraffe

Have you heard about the spotless giraffe? She was born a couple of months ago in Limestone, TN. She’s already 6’ tall of…

The Critical Difference Between Successful and Unsuccessful Dieters (and People)

Think about the implications and the power of this idea in taking charge of your own weight and health.

A Sharp Knife Can Save a Finger

“A sharp knife is a safe knife.” That seemed counter-intuitive to me when I was young. Sharp knives cut more easily than dull…

Sheep or Cars?

Did you know that Ireland has palm trees? No kidding! I didn’t know until I set foot on the Motherland.

The News

This time of year, is the first anniversary of my husband learning his kidney cancer was gone. Every six months we have to travel…

Picking Your Next Diet

It has come to my attention that a drug used to treat diabetes is now flying off the shelves as a weight loss drug.If you (or…

Skillet Curling

There is only one ice rink in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The last open weekend they hold a “Skillet Curling Contest” on the ice. If…

What To Bring To Dinner

When people call me to let me know they are accepting an invitation to dinner at our house, they often follow the “yes, we’d love…

Why To Eat Low Carb

Resolve to eat smart. Low-carb eating is not a trend. It is a smart solution to weight loss and weight management.

The Most Frustrating Thing About Exercise

The information I’m about to share comes from the National Institutes of Health. They designed a little computer program. It’s…

Celebrate in Style

I have worked hard to find unique ways to celebrate holidays and special occasions. Today I’m offering you a way to make your…

It’s a New Year. Don’t Be Fooled.

I don’t want to go all “Debbie Downer” on you at the beginning of a New Year but I thought a good theme to start off the year…

Boxing Day

This holiday has nothing to do with a boxing ring or leather gloves. It has everything to do with celebrating.

A Holiday Chat with Zola

We sat down recently to chat with Zola and learned all “merry” of things holiday related.

Hints for Traveling While on ZReboot

YES - you can travel and not gain weight. Just be smart about your food choices and weight gain won't be an issue. Here are some…