All Clear

We got a call from the urologist. Chris has been officially declared CANCER FREE. The pathology is completely CLEAR. The surgeon…

The Little-Known Queen of the Culinary World

I worked for a woman named Marilyn Lewis in 1980. She was the one who put gourmet burgers on the map

Hero Mommy

As I saw the interaction between mother and daughter in the grocery store I thought to myself, that mom is my hero today, and…

Life’s Curveballs

I tell you all of this just to give you a head’s up that I’ve been rather...busy.

Strategies for Success at Holiday Gatherings

If you are determined not to gain weight over the holidays, this is how to do it.

The 10 Minute Cleanup

Have your guests play a small part in helping to clean up after the big meal. They will not do everything; but when every person…

The Menu

Traditionally, my menu for Thanksgiving gets set this week. Here’s a little bit of the history of Thanksgiving in my family.

Halloween Treats

I have found the perfect place to buy Halloween treats is at the craft store. This year I bought Halloween themed pencils,…

Sugar Rule #1: 15 Grams or Less

If you are going to have that occasional dessert I wanted to give you a few ideas for how to pull that off without having to go…

Someone’s in the Kitchen with Zola

One of the “secrets” of losing weight on Plan Z is that you cook your own food. That puts you in control of everything that goes…


While developing Plan Z, I never really thought much about what I now call the Crunch Factor. I was never the kid in our family…

I Scream, You Scream

You can have your ice cream and live a healthy life. No need to scream.

Why We Go On A Diet

In a recent survey, we asked dieters the biggest reason they decided to go on a diet and chose Plan Z. The most popular answer…

How to Successfully Make Low Fat Burgers

One of the tricks to making good burgers when you’re in ZReduction on Plan Z is to find a way to keep them as moist and juicy as…

Eat Your Veggies

There are so many vegetable options offered up by Mother Nature that I thought I could go my whole life skipping the ones I…

Whole Unprocessed Foods

If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. Read a few product labels and you’ll see how challenging this can be.

Stimulus Strategies

My husband would say, “There is no going back to normal. There is only going forward to a new normal.” I’m still getting used to…

How I Read a Label

Of course, there’s lots more chemistry to it all, but when you’re in the store and you have to set your priorities and get out of…

6 Wonderful Sweeteners Better For You Than Sugar

No sugar is good for you in major quantities. But when in “need” and you're in ZReboot 3.5 and beyond, consider using these…

The Miracle of Collagen

The benefits are SO many it’s easy now to pass by any other kind of protein powder and pick up this kind.