Herbal Aromas

The smell of basil, mint and lemon balm growing in the garden are my absolute favorites. For me, that’s the smell of summer.

How to Stay Regular

I have discovered a new way to stay regular. It’s not fiber. It’s a mineral. Magnesium. Magnesium has so many other benefits…

Dairy and the Best No Dairy Alternatives

Here are the kinds of milk I drink now and the one I’m trying.

Lovely Little Plates

The tradition of tapas in Spain goes back a long way, but today, extends well beyond Spanish cuisine. The whole idea is to have…

Cooking with Cast Iron

Like seared meats and veggies? You'll love cast iron. Here are some of the benefits of cooking with cast iron and a few hints for…


My chives were the first thing to come up in my herb garden every year. As soon as the snow melted I could see their little heads…

Potatoes and the Glycemic Index

Enjoy potatoes in moderation and use these hints to make healthier choices.

Clean Grillin’

Now that we’re in the peak of the grilling season I hope these things give you the incentive to take good care of your grill. I…

How to Zolafy a Dessert Recipe

I’m one of those lucky people who can read a recipe and taste it in my head. I hope you are one too, but if you’re not, with a…

The Path to Becoming Non-Diabetic

If someone close to you is struggling with managing their Type 2 diabetes, please tell them to have hope. They are not as…

The Only Chocolate You Should Eat

Want to eat chocolate and stay healthy? Dark chocolate is your best choice.

Why Resolutions Fail

Over 50% of Americans make some kind of resolution and for many, the promise made is to lose weight, and for most, it’s a failed…

Brain Gunk

New studies have been published to show that obesity harms most organs in your body, and your brain is no exception. The…

How your waistline can expose your health risk

If your waist to height ratio shows your waistline equals 80% of your height, studies show you will live (on average) 17 years…

Sloppy Christmas

This makes quick work out of feeding a crowd of people who arrive at different times.

Holiday Aromatherapy – Simmering Spices for Your Kitchen

This isn’t a recipe for food you can eat. This is a recipe for making your house smell wonderful for the holidays. 

Christmas Shopping

What I thought I’d do today is lay out how I organize myself to keep my shopping stress down during the holidays. Maybe some of…

My Favorite Appliance

Gone are the days when I would regularly pull out my big food processor, or my massive mixer, or my mondo blender that could mix…

The Art of the Antipasti Tray

What's antipasti? An appetizer usually consisting of an assortment of foods, such as smoked meats, cheese, fish, and vegetables.…