We’re Moving!
We will process and ship orders until Tuesday, October 13th. Until that date, I am extending our current sale pricing. If we can…
Taking Back Control
Dieter Sarah from Owensboro, Kentucky lost 26 pounds in 50 days with Plan Z.
Partners in Life and Dieting
“Get yourself a partner. Find somebody that you can go through [Plan Z] with because that is just such a huge – HUGE –…
Introducing Chooey
Chooey's journey from the side of a Tennessee highway to the center of my heart.
More than a temporary fix
Dieter Dannette has been skeptical of the diet industry because no other plan has ever offered more than a temporary fix. She…
The Story of Slab Pie
I read up on the history of slab pie and learned a few things. The originals were probably two-crusted pies; top and bottom. They…
How To Tell If Your Wine Is Corked
Ordering wine in a restaurant can be an intimidating experience. Knowing how to spot a corked wine can make the whole process…
Conquer the Quarantine Fifteen
While stuck at home Dieter Hayley found herself surrounded by temptation and gained the dreaded quarantine fifteen. Luckily, Plan…
The Spread
They have a way of detecting the spread of coronavirus that has not been widely discussed. The secret, well, it’s not really a…
Making Sweet Tea
The average recipe for sweet tea contains 8 cups of water and a cup of sugar. A single cup of sugar contains an astonishing 200…
I can do anything for 50 days
Dieter Grant was pleasantly surprised by how much weight he lost. During his interview he told us, “I kept having to re-set my…
Sweet Dreams Tattoo
I wrote a little while ago about how our little cross-eyed kitty had suddenly turned blind. She had kidney disease and high blood…
Win bought the diet. He didn’t have to buy a new wardrobe. All his clothes fit now. Win Win.
The Story of Potatoes Brabant
Potatoes Brabant are a New Orleans favorite. They call them New Orleans fries.
Mexican Food In Summer
What is it with summer and Mexican food? My real theory is it has more to do with the climate in Mexico...
The Closet Dilemma
Dieter Kate told us, “The hardest part of this diet, for me, has been keeping clothes in my closet that fit.”
The Munchies
It really doesn’t matter when you eat. It’s what you eat and how much you eat during the entire day that matters.
Tattoo’s Blindness
Our kitty Tattoo turned 20 years old a month ago. That’s the equivalent of 96 in human years. Way to GO Tattoo!