A New Lease on Life

After losing 120 pounds with Plan Z, Dieter Jay is headed in a new, healthier, and liberated direction.

Does your metabolism slow with age?

Our favorite line from this interview? Dieter Clara told us, "The spray is the lifesaver, the crowning jewel in this program."

The Best of the Pandemic

It’s been a long year, with lots of cooking. That leaves me with lots of time to design recipes. These three are the best of the…

COVID 1 Year Later

People ask me all the time how we are coping with the pandemic. It has its positives and negatives for sure. Now that we are one…

Your Support

As I look back over the past year I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for being the most wonderful clients we could ask…

7 Reasons to Diet with a Buddy

When you’re on a diet, having a strong support system can mean the difference between success and failure. We have a major league…

“I wish I didn’t wait so long.”

Dieter Gina found the "diet to end all diets" when she found Plan Z. She found out why she had been doing it wrong her whole…

Husband and Wife Lose 130 Pounds Together

James and Peggy joined Plan Z together. Besides the incredible weight loss, Peggy hasn’t woken to a single migraine since she…

Diet Advice Gone Wrong

When I was a young teen in the early 70’s, I can remember coming to breakfast one morning and my father was sitting at the end of…

The Sweet Smell of Garlic

My first bite of roasted garlic was quite the surprise. The squishy garlic was no longer pungent. It had taken on a smooth…

Enjoy the Super Bowl Without Gaining Weight

Here’s how it works: You set up a chili buffet with all the fixins. Chili tastes better the day after you make it, so you can…

How Fast Can You Lose Weight and Stay Healthy?

Those who say you can only lose 1 – 2 pounds a week and diet safely are using methodologies that generally can only produce 1 – 2…

A CDC Thanksgiving

This will be a Thanksgiving that will go down in the history books for folks all over the country. Do your duty to protect those…

“This is crazy!”

“I was just shocked…I’m not doing any exercise, I’m just eating food and [the weight is] melting off. This is crazy but, hey, I…

Tea Breads

In my mother’s Betty Crocker cookbook (written in the 1950s) they were generally categorized as Quick Breads and then further…

Celebrating Halloween COVID-Style

There are ways to celebrate Halloween safely without all the candy.

The Vegetable That Tastes Like Candy

This squash is chock-full of fiber and has 30% fewer carbs than potatoes. I’m going to try to convince you to serve this at your…

Toys for Halloween

I don’t give out candy on Halloween anymore. I give out toys! The kids love it. They like to see something different in that…

My Favorite Time

Fall is my favorite season of the year. Hands down. Nothing can beat it. Nothing even comes close. I am loving this year’s fall…

54 pounds in 50 days!

Jeremy instantly noticed more mobility and greatly reduced joint pain after losing 54 pounds with Plan Z.