Defeating the Weight Loss ping-pong

Making healthy lifestyle changes doesn't mean saying goodbye to treats forever. Just take it from Dieter Bill who said, "If…

The Miracle of Collagen

The benefits are SO many it’s easy now to pass by any other kind of protein powder and pick up this kind.

A New Found Love for Shopping

Dieter Kim wrote to us, "I had never dieted too much [because] I didn't think I had willpower but the crave drops helped with…

Weight loss after 40

Claire's 50-pound transformation shocked her friends, her doctor, and even her grandchildren. If you've been thinking about…

The Hair-Raising Rescue

Here's a cute tail ;) of how we added a new furry friend to our family.

Memories of Memorial Day

One of the things I will always remember about Memorial Day is kittens...

Intermittent Fasting

We all learned that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? Turns out for some it’s not true. Depending on how…

Counting Calories

You will be shocked at how flawed counting calories really is when you watch this video. Absorb this and your whole view of…

My Independence Day

I’m not talking about our country and the 4th of July.  I’m focused on myself. Today’s the day I have completed getting both of…

How your waistline can expose your health risk

If your waist to height ratio shows your waistline equals 80% of your height, studies show you will live (on average) 17 years…

It’s Been a Rough Ride

A year to the day that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic a study came out. 3000 people were surveyed. The…

Hopeful 2021

Consider applying these ideas to your daily life. Most of them are helpful ideas for overall health/immunity and not just a plan…

Time to Start Digging Out

I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten into a rut since this whole COVID thing started. Really, I've gotten into a bunch of…

A New Lease on Life

After losing 120 pounds with Plan Z, Dieter Jay is headed in a new, healthier, and liberated direction.

Does your metabolism slow with age?

Our favorite line from this interview? Dieter Clara told us, "The spray is the lifesaver, the crowning jewel in this program."

The Best of the Pandemic

It’s been a long year, with lots of cooking. That leaves me with lots of time to design recipes. These three are the best of the…

COVID 1 Year Later

People ask me all the time how we are coping with the pandemic. It has its positives and negatives for sure. Now that we are one…

Your Support

As I look back over the past year I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for being the most wonderful clients we could ask…

7 Reasons to Diet with a Buddy

When you’re on a diet, having a strong support system can mean the difference between success and failure. We have a major league…

“I wish I didn’t wait so long.”

Dieter Gina found the "diet to end all diets" when she found Plan Z. She found out why she had been doing it wrong her whole…