“I never felt like I was deprived or hungry at all.”
“I slept better, I looked better, I felt better, and it was very noticeable. I got comments and compliments from so many……
She Said Goodbye to 40 Pounds
Betty lost 18 inches and 40lbs in two rounds of Plan Z. Her husband, Fred, lost 32lbs in just 35 days. She told us, “When you…
Chow Down On Chili
Chili is the perfect pack-and-go food. It’s easy to eat and tastes even better the next day. The chilies in the chili will keep…
Fat Tuesday in the Old French Quarter
What I thought I’d do today is give you a little food tour of my favorite places in New Orleans. It’s Fat Tuesday. Seems totally…
A Babe is Born
We had a party in honor of his parents Jen (our Operations Manager), and her husband Flint (the handsome professional…
Dinner for Your Honey
Let’s just assume for the moment that you’re not the greatest cook. In fact, let’s assume you don’t make any of the meals in your…
P Is for Party
ZS-Holiday,Zola Blog,ZSpecialties,Featured Posts
Parmesan, potato chips and Prosecco. It was really fun designing the menu and it all worked out great. I hardly had to do any…
Her Doctors Were Blown Away
“The most important thing I learned: that fact that everything I knew is bogus, all my concepts of dieting and what’s good to eat…
Definite Life Improvement
Zola is so honest…the education is what will keep me from going back [to my old weight].
My Other Job
Good Fat: Bad Fat,Zola Blog,Featured Posts
The most dangerous thing about the Triple By-Pass burger is the bun.
Happy St. Nicholas Day
Even to this day, I put a little gift of a clementine or an orange on the desk of our employees, along with a little dark…
Want Potatoes on Turkey Day? Here’s What to Do
ZSpecialties,Zola Blog,ZS-Holiday,Featured Posts
Keeping your carbohydrate percentage to less than 20% of your daily food intake is your secret to staying thin and healthy. That…
Rustic Cherry Tart
Free Content,ZLife,ZS-Holiday,Z3.5-Desserts,ZSpecialties,ZReboot 3.5
This cherry tart is so easy and it’s fancy enough to serve at a dinner party.
What’s the Secret to a Happy Family Gathering?
I thought I’d share a few of mine with you...
How to get Plan Z covered by your insurance
Our newest improvement will be welcome news! Plan Z is now covered by some insurance plans! Here's what you need to know.
Spooky Times
Here, also is my Halloween greeting for you. Share this with your children and if they are older they can share it with their…
The Grocery Store Gauntlet
Featured Posts,Zola Blog,A New Normal
So many tempting things between me and a half pound of mushrooms. Pay close attention. What do you notice as you walk into your…
Bread = Sugar = Dessert
I have to tell you I am reluctant to have this discussion. In the four years I’ve worked to develop Plan Z I have never brought…
Three Months In
I’ve lived in Chattanooga, TN for three months now. I thought I’d chronicle some of my observations.