No Bake Shortbread Cookie Crust 

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Plan Z Phase: This is a Z3.5 (ZReboot 3.5) recipe.

For use in making little or large dessert tarts. We are offering this recipe in conjunction with our lemon curd recipe to make lemon tarts.

I am a huge fan of English shortbread. When I traveled a lot in England on business, the hotel usually left a package or two by the coffee maker. I used to make that my little breakfast while I worked at the desk. Walker’s Shortbread beats all the others for buttery flavor and crunch.

Servings: Makes one crust in a nine-inch pan or six mini tart crusts.



If you have a food processor this is time to get it out. Put the cookies in the processor and pulse until you have crumbs. If you don’t have a processor, you can put the cookies in a ziplock baggie and crush them with a rolling pin or even the bottom of a canned item from your pantry.

Put the cookies, sugar, and butter in a medium bowl. Stir with a fork until it looks like wet sand. Crush any larger chunks of cookies you find and mix again.

Get out a nine-inch tart pan with a removable bottom, or even a pie plate or cheesecake pan if you want. For mini-tarts, you want six tart pans with removable bottoms.

Fill your tart pan(s) of choice with the cookie mix. Now, take your clean fingers and move the bits around so you can form it into an even tart crust. Have some going up the sides. You can press it down as you go along. You want it firmly pressed. Chill the tart(s) in your refrigerator for at least an hour before you fill them.

Before serving, you can fill the tart(s) and keep it in the fridge for an hour or more. If longer, loosely drape it with plastic wrap to keep a skin from forming on the top. Remove the tart(s) from the pan and put on a serving platter or plates.

You can either decorate your tarts before you serve or let your guests decorate them as they choose. A dollop of TruWhip or sweetened whipping cream goes well with the tart and you can garnish with one berry or more. Sometimes I put a rim of berries all along the outside.

These crusts lend themselves to all kinds of flavored creams. Think of things like chocolate cream pie or other cream pies.

