54 pounds in 50 days!

Dieter Jeremy from South Carolina is a dedicated father and a hard-working husband who used to consider himself a functioning alcoholic. Jeremy fought with his weight for years. Recently, he decided to completely quit drinking alcohol which caused him to, “[lean] into the ice cream and cookies and things.” Hopping on the wagon uncovered intense aches and pains in his joints. He believes the alcohol was numbing the pain. During his interview, Jeremy said, “I had severe pain. I mean, just agonizing pain in my knees, in my back, in my elbows, in my neck. And it never really went away and I just dealt with it… I kind of knew in the back of my mind it was because of my weight.”
Dieter Jeremy hit a breaking point when he began struggling to get up from a seated position, and that’s when he turned to Plan Z. He liked that Plan Z is an all real food diet with no shakes, pills, or surgeries. Jeremy didn’t need help with motivation; what he needed was clear directions. And that’s what you receive with Plan Z.
Dieter Jeremy lost a whopping 54 pounds in just 50 days. He averaged around one pound a day! He also re-ignited a past love of roller-blading and was able to get off his prescription for Nexium. His interview is very inspiring and entertaining. Have a listen below!
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
A New Found Love for Shopping
Dieter Kim wrote to us, "I had never dieted too much [because] I didn't think I had willpower but the crave drops helped with that. I know our stamina increased each day as the weight went down but WOW! I have always carried my weight in [my] hips and rear area and it is literally GONE!! No more big booty!!"
Ex Tennessee Ball Player Loses 46 lbs on Plan Z
Ken in Tennessee lost over 40 pounds on Plan Z. Learn what he did to make his Plan Z Dieting experience so successful in this fantastic interview.
Partners in Life and Dieting
“Get yourself a partner. Find somebody that you can go through [Plan Z] with because that is just such a huge – HUGE – advantage.“
Taking Back Control
Dieter Sarah from Owensboro, Kentucky lost 26 pounds in 50 days with Plan Z.
“I wish I didn’t wait so long.”
Dieter Gina found the "diet to end all diets" when she found Plan Z. She found out why she had been doing it wrong her whole life.
Dieter Rhonda Talks about Her Plan Z Experience
In this interview, Rhonda shares her successes and setbacks. Learn how she lost 45# very quickly and how quickly those pounds can come back if you don’t follow the “rules” of ZReboot. Hers is a cautionary tale with a (spoiler alert) happy ending.