
Meet Dieter Winslow (nickname “Win”). He’s an old friend of our VP of Anger Management, Chris Lytle. Win’s decision to lose weight was triggered by the scale when it read 199 pounds. He was determined to not reach 200 pounds or buy new clothing. At first, his goal was to lose a couple pounds a month. After a little prodding from an old friend, Win set his sights a little higher and purchased plan Z. Instead of a couple pounds a month, he lost a couple pounds a week. In fact, Win lost a total of 37 pounds with Plan Z!
“Really the diet has helped so much. It’s educated me. The spray has been fantastic.”
Along with feeling lighter, Win is also eating smarter. He told us, “The whole diet taught me how to eat.” Win learned all the ways sugar can hide in ingredient labels and once he started paying attention to ingredient labels, he realized sugar was everywhere. It’s shocking to learn that most of processed foods are made from wheat, corn sugar and soy.
He provides a few more great tips in his interview too. Have a listen below.
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
Big Guy, Big Change
Biggie lost over 293 pounds on Plan Z…and is still losing. Biggie’s drastic transformation ranks him as one of the top losers (or should we say winners) on the Plan Z Diet.
Taking Back Control
Dieter Sarah from Owensboro, Kentucky lost 26 pounds in 50 days with Plan Z.
Definite Life Improvement
Zola is so honest…the education is what will keep me from going back [to my old weight].
I can do anything for 50 days
Dieter Grant was pleasantly surprised by how much weight he lost. During his interview he told us, “I kept having to re-set my goals, it was working so well.”
No Longer the Big Guy in the Room
With some determination and a little bit of sacrifice (that was made a lot easier with the ZR50 Crave Control spray), I lost 70+ pounds! I have also stopped most of my medications, still working on that last pill. My knees don't ache when I get out of bed anymore. I was so successful, that both my sisters also started the plan.
Ex Tennessee Ball Player Loses 46 lbs on Plan Z
Ken in Tennessee lost over 40 pounds on Plan Z. Learn what he did to make his Plan Z Dieting experience so successful in this fantastic interview.