The Closet Dilemma

Dieter Kate from Garberville, CA experienced dramatic weight loss with Plan Z. When Kate started to approach a larger clothing size she decided she would invest in a healthier future with Plan Z instead of a new wardrobe. Now she’s facing a new issue with her closet:
“The hardest part of this diet, for me, has been keeping clothes in my closet that fit.”
Kate was expecting to struggle through the program but was shocked at how easy Plan Z was.
“It’s really been easy. You just follow the diet. You follow the plan and it just comes off.”
With Plan Z the recipes are endless. Kate told us, “The recipes are amazing. I have not come across one recipe yet that I turn my nose up at. They are all very good.”
She’s lost 81 pounds so far and is working to hit 100. Her incredible transformation has inspired others to follow in her shoes and after listening to her interview you may find yourself inspired too.
Listen to her rave review below.
Click on the pictures below to see more success stories.
A New Lease on Life
After losing 120 pounds with Plan Z, Dieter Jay is headed in a new, healthier, and liberated direction.
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Dieter Glenda told us, "This has been the easiest diet plan I have ever done."
“I’ve eaten naked, boring food for years…”
“The big thing is, I get a lot more information and support. When something not going perfectly, I can ask someone...and I don’t feel lost.”
Chris, our VP of Anger Management talks with Dieter Insider Christie
Dieter Christie is going to tell us her Plan Z story. She reached her goal in two rounds of Plan Z and has now maintained her perfect weight for over a year. On this call she’ll describe her road to success and explain how she maintains her weight in ZLife.
Pastry Chef reaps the benefits of new food habits
Dieter Ashley is a professional pastry chef. She has made some major life adjustments because of her involvement with Plan Z. And she is reaping the benefits. Her story will inform and inspire you toward your own diet success.
Biggie’s Favorite Recipes
“I never felt like I was truly dieting because everything I would eat tasted great…I never got frustrated where I would with other diets because I was consistently losing weight and I was consistently eating good food.” - Josh "Biggie" Ellinger, Greensboro, NC