5 Big Weight Loss Lies
Once You Know the Truth, Losing Weight Gets a Lot Easier
Here’s the thing. If you believe these five weight loss lies, you will have trouble losing weight. Zola believed them. She spent forty years and a small fortune doing everyone else’s diets. Then, she learned the truth. What passes for common knowledge about weight loss can lead you down a long, frustrating road.
Weight Loss Lie #1: A calorie is a calorie. It doesn’t matter if I get my calories from carrots or candy bars.
“Nothing could be further from the truth,” says Dr. Robert Lustig. “The food industry wants you to believe this because it works for them. If a calorie is a calorie, then why would you pick on any individual foodstuff?”
Processed foods are loaded with refined carbohydrates. Eating these foods spikes your insulin. Insulin is the fat-producing hormone. Science writer Gary Taubes tells us, “You don’t lose fat because you cut calories; you lose fat because you cut out the foods that make you fat – the carbohydrates.”
Plan Z Diet’s ZR50 Crave Control spray helps you cut out the foods you crave. You start losing weight right away.
Weight Loss Lie #2: If I eat low-fat foods, I’ll lose weight.
Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Healthy fats satisfy your hunger, fast. You stop eating sooner and stay full longer. Products labeled Slim, Diet, Healthy, Fat-Free, Lite and Low Fat seem like perfect diet foods. However, when food processors remove fat, they replace it with salt, sugar and artificial flavors, because fat equals flavor.
Want to lose weight and gain health? Michael Pollan writes, “If it’s made from a plant, eat it. If it’s made in a plant, don’t eat it.” The Plan Z Diet is a real food diet. You shop around the perimeter of the grocery store. That’s why our average dieter loses 31 pounds in 50 days. Eating real food instead of diet food is what works.
“Most weight loss diets center around portion control, which is just trying to eat smaller amounts of the same addictive foods. This approach inevitably fails,” advises Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Weight Loss Lie #3: Drinking diet sodas will help me lose weight.
Starting to see a trend here? Carbonated water and chemicals aren’t the answer either. Dr. Joseph Mercola warns, “Artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking that it’s going to receive sugar (calories). When the sugar doesn’t come, your body continues to signal that it needs more. This results in more carbohydrate cravings.”
Drinking diet sodas and still need to lose weight? That’s because you’re drinking diet sodas. Control the Crave and the weight loss starts. Zola’s ZR50 Crave Control Spray reduces the discomforts of dieting.
Weight Loss Lie #4: It’s dangerous to lose more than 1 or 2 pounds a week.
Well, whatever makes you fat is going to make you sick. So being overweight is what’s dangerous. Conventional diets tout the one to two-pound number, because when you eat their low calorie, low-fat foods, losing 1 or 2 pounds is about all you can expect. Then, your metabolism slows and you lose even less. This leaves you hungry and cranky.
When this happened to Zola, they blamed her and said she was cheating.
Think about this: The Diet Industry is the Big Food Industry. Kraft makes South Beach Living food. Heinz processes Weight Watchers foods. Unilever makes Slim Fast. They make the addictive processed foods that made you fat. Their diet foods keep you fat no matter how many you buy.
Weight Loss Lie #5: If I exercise I’ll lose more weight, faster.
Not so fast. You can’t outrun a bad diet. Every health club owner and orthopedic surgeon wants you to believe exercise is the answer. Dr. Andrew Weil knows better. “Excess exercise tends to be counterbalanced by excess hunger, exemplified by the phrase ‘working up an appetite.'” A few people with extraordinary willpower can resist such hunger day after day, but for the vast majority, weight loss through exercise is a flawed option.”
Other diets suggest you exercise to hedge their bets. If the diet doesn’t work, then you didn’t exercise right. That’s so wrong.
The Plan Z Diet has a “no exercise rule.” Walk the dog if you want to. Then, relax and let the excess fat melt away.
Watch the video. It’s the fastest way to learn about the Plan Z Diet.
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